In a monumental leap for the world of technology, a pioneering quantum computing chip has shattered performance barriers, paving the way for an era of computing power previously thought to be science fiction. Developed by a collaboration of leading tech companies and research institutions, this quantum computing breakthrough is set to redefine the landscape of computing, enabling unprecedented speeds and capabilities that could revolutionize industries across the board. Key Highlights of the Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Unprecedented Processing Power: Traditional computers use bits to process information, represented as 0s and 1s. Quantum computers, on the other hand, leverage quantum bits or qubits, which can exist in a superposition of both 0 and 1 states simultaneously. This inherent parallelism allows quantum computers to perform complex calculations at speeds that would be inconceivable for classical computers. Massive Quantum Supremacy: The newly developed quantum chip achie...
February 5th, 2019 happens to be Safer Internet Day, and Google is
celebrating by releasing an awesome security tool that’s available right away
for all Chrome browser users. What does it do? It looks at the username and
password combinations you’re using to sign into various online services and
warns you if the data is already in the possession of hackers. In other words,
the Password Check-up Chrome extension will tell you when you need to change
your password and every single person who uses Chrome should install it
In light of the recent Collection hacks, the news
that Google’s
password checking tool can compare your username/password combos against a
database containing more than four billion leaked credentials is great. And
before you worry that your passwords need to travel the internet to Google’s
servers to perform the check, you should know that Google’s security team
worked with cryptographers at Stanford University to ensure that Google never
learns any of your usernames and passwords, and that any breach data stays safe
from wider exposure.
Once installed, the Password Check-up
tool will monitor all your logins and trigger warnings once a positive match
comes up. What’s great about the tool is that it should work with your current
password manager if you use one (you really, really should be using one). Also,
considering that the warning comes as soon as you’ve logged into an account,
you’ll be able to change the password immediately — and you should do so once
the warning arrives.
Google says it won’t bother you about
outdated passwords that you may have reset or dumb passwords you might be
using, like 123456 as long as they do not appear in a data breach. Of note,
Google will collect some anonymous data from your Password Checkup usage,
including “the number of lookups that surface an unsafe credential, whether an
alert leads to a password change and the web domain involved for improving site
As for the actual password-matching
trickery that goes on behind the scenes, Google explains that the actual
password matching happens locally and Google will never know the
username/password you’re using.
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