In a monumental leap for the world of technology, a pioneering quantum computing chip has shattered performance barriers, paving the way for an era of computing power previously thought to be science fiction. Developed by a collaboration of leading tech companies and research institutions, this quantum computing breakthrough is set to redefine the landscape of computing, enabling unprecedented speeds and capabilities that could revolutionize industries across the board. Key Highlights of the Quantum Computing Breakthrough: Unprecedented Processing Power: Traditional computers use bits to process information, represented as 0s and 1s. Quantum computers, on the other hand, leverage quantum bits or qubits, which can exist in a superposition of both 0 and 1 states simultaneously. This inherent parallelism allows quantum computers to perform complex calculations at speeds that would be inconceivable for classical computers. Massive Quantum Supremacy: The newly developed quantum chip achie...
As people vouch to delete Facebook in the wake of a massive data breach scandal, Orkut Buyukkokten -- a former Google employee who founded the trendsetter social networking website more than a decade ago -- on Wednesday launched a new social network "Hello" in India.
Built particularly for the new mobile generation, "Hello" brings people together around their interests to create positive, meaningful, authentic connections and sustained social engagement, the company said in a statement.
"We designed 'Hello' to help you make connections in the real world. It's a social network built on loves not likes, and I'm delighted to say 'Hello' to India once again," said Buyukkokten, now the CEO of San Francisco-based Hello Network Inc.
Test users spent over 320 minutes each month on the app, thus, reflecting the popularity of sport, entertainment, devotion and technology in India.
"Today's online networks force people to treat each other totally differently from how they would behave face-to-face. Technology should help us become more understanding, more optimistic, kinder and better people," the Orkut founder added.
The app is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Orkut was owned and operated by Google and was named after its creator, Orkut Buyukkokten.
Google shut down Orkut on September 30, 2014.
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